"Our resellers identified the Market Model Guide that QM created as one of the year's top two marketing resources."

Bob Silver, Reseller Marketing, Apple Computer, Inc.

Demand-side Partner Development
Project Examples

Apple Computer, Inc. - Reseller Business Planning & Sales Tools


Created the Apple Market Model Guide, a reseller marketing and sales guide to help resellers sell to small businesses and nine industry segments including advertising, legal, medical, and real estate. The profiles covered demographics, psychographics, buying behaviors, application areas, vendors, and how to develop a sales and marketing plan for each segment.


The Guide was distributed to Apple field sales representatives and resellers. It helped them select industries to target, plan demand generation activities and better respond to customers.

Dell Computer Corporation - Reseller Identification & Qualification


Identified and qualified value-added resellers who specialized in their markets. The research was designed to find VARs who not only provided Dell with a valuable entree into the market, but would also perform to sales expectations.


Identified and evaluated 864 VARs against Dell's preliminary criteria. Selected the top 50 VARs for Dell's premier program. Identified the key issues and selling opportunities to help Dell better understand and position their product offerings in their target segments.

For other examples, go to the A3 Solutions Case Study and the Multi-client Case Study.

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